DOBSZAY, László: The World of Tones, Part II

DOBSZAY, László: The World of Tones, Part II
DOBSZAY, László: The World of Tones, Part II
DOBSZAY, László: The World of Tones, Part II
DOBSZAY, László: The World of Tones, Part II
DOBSZAY, László: The World of Tones, Part II
DOBSZAY, László: The World of Tones, Part II
DOBSZAY, László: The World of Tones, Part II
DOBSZAY, László: The World of Tones, Part II

Since its launch, László Dobszay’ series The World of Tones represents a fundamentally new approach in teaching Western Art music both in the context of school music education and the training of solfége and music theory for professional musicians. This approach can simply be referred to as style-based approach that emphasises the importance of using stylistically coherent musical materials in the development of various partial musical skills. The result of this training is a comprehensive understanding of classical musical styles and well developed skills and musical knowledge. This series had a significant impact on the current adaptation of Kodály’s educational concept in practice in Hungary. The English translation of these volumes, especially the Teacher's manuals provides a full understanding of the teaching and learning process according to this approach. For best results these two volumes (Part I and II) should be used together with Pupils’ books. Recommended for educators working with pupils aged 10+ and students at university/college level.

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